Auditors examine a client’s financial statements to form an opinion on whether they are free from material misstatements. During this process, they need to gather audit evidence, which can help them support their conclusion. Auditing standards require the audit evidence to be sufficient and appropriate, which relates to its quantity and quality.
Audit evidence may not always be in written form. However, auditors still need to document their auditing process. This requirement comes from ISA 230 Audit Documentation. This standard deals with auditors’ responsibility to prepare audit documentation for an audit of financial statements. Before understanding the requirements of this standard, it is crucial to understand what audit documentation is.
What is Audit Documentation?
According to the ISAs, audit documentation refer to the record of audit procedures that auditors perform. It also includes any relevant audit evidence obtained and the conclusion that the auditor reaches. Thus, it is a part of the auditors’ audit files and is always in written form. Similarly, other names used for audit documentation include work papers or working papers.
As mentioned above, audit evidence may come in many forms. For example, enquiries may be verbal, while confirmations will be in written form. Regardless of the form of audit evidence they obtain, auditors need to document their procedures. However, it must meet specific criteria set by the auditing standards. it is crucial for several reasons, including continuing audits, quality control, reviews, etc.
What is the Objective of Audit Documentation?
ISA 230 sets the objective for audit documentation. It states that auditors should prepare documentation that provides a sufficient and appropriate record of the basis for the auditor’s report. As mentioned above, this process is crucial for audit reviews and ensuring quality standards. On top of that, it can also protect auditors in case of a dispute against the provided opinion.
Similarly, ISA 230 states another objective of preparing documentation. It includes providing evidence that the audit was planned and performed in accordance with the applicable standards and legal and regulatory framework. These standards usually include the ISAs or any national auditing standards. This objective is crucial in quality control and reviews.
What are the Requirements for Audit Documentation?
The requirements for audit documentation may come from within an audit firm. Each firm will have a different process for documenting an audit engagement. However, ISA 230 also weighs in on the qualities that it must fulfill. Regardless of the firm’s requirements, auditors must ensure that their documentation meets the standard’s criteria.
ISA 230 requires audit documentation to meet two criteria. Firstly, it asks auditors to prepare audit documentation that provides evidence of their basis for a conclusion about their overall objective. Similarly, it requires the audit documentation to provide evidence that the auditor planned and performed the audit in accordance with the ISAs. Furthermore, it should include any legal and regulatory requirements.
While these requirements are crucial, auditors also need to prepare audit documentation on a timely basis. Any documentation that meets the above requirements but is not timely does not contribute to the effectiveness of audit documentation. Similarly, ISA 230 requires it to be a part of the final audit file for a specific client.
What Should Audit Documentation Include?
As mentioned above, the requirement for audit documentation may differ from one firm to another. Generally, however, there are some common elements that it may include. Some of these are as below.
- Audit plans.
- Analysis conducted by auditors.
- Checklists.
- Confirmation letters or correspondences.
- Representation letters.
- Memoranda and correspondence regarding anomalies.
- Summaries of significant findings.
It may also include copies of the client’s records as a part of the documentation. However, these only provide evidence of the auditor’s work. It does not constitute the client’s accounting records. Moreover, as mentioned above, this documentation must be in written form. Oral explanations do not represent adequate support for the auditor’s work.
What is the Purpose of Audit Documentation?
Apart from providing evidence of the auditor’s work and the basis for their conclusion, audit documentation also serves other purposes. Some of these include the following.
- Assists the engagement team in planning and performing the audit.
- Assist the engagement team members responsible for supervision in directing and supervising the audit work. It also serves as evidence in helping them discharge their review responsibilities.
- Enable the engagement team to be accountable for its work.
- It is a retain a record of matters of continuing significance that can be crucial in future audits of the same client.
- It enable the conduct of quality control reviews and inspections in accordance with the required standards.
- The audit documentation is also enable the conduct of external inspections in accordance with the applicable legal, regulatory, or other requirements.
Overall, sufficient and appropriate audit documentation serves to enhance the quality of the audit. It allows auditors to perform an effective review and evaluation of the audit evidence obtained and conclusions reached. This process is critical before finalizing the audit and providing an audit report.
Audit documentation refers to written records that include relevant evidence obtained and the conclusion that auditors reach. There are two primary objectives that it seeks to achieve. While this documentation may vary from one firm to another, ISA 230 also sets some requirements that it must meet. It helps auditors meet many purposes apart from providing evidence of their work, as mentioned above.
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